
23 Feb 2021 10:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Hello Everyone

You may be looking at a different email address for these messages.

Rest assured this is from the Association. If you could please add this email to your safe list, that would be great. We wish to avoid you missing messages from us and having them go to your SPAM or JUNK folder would be unfortunate.

We are working to have our organization email be the return sender, but the is taking a bit of time

Thank you!


  • 23 Feb 2021 12:59 | CTGA of BC member
    It appears that an external service to store our information, including contact information, is being used. How can we be assured that our data is secure?

    I am receiving an increasing amount of spam and fishing email and am concerned about the growing number of data breaches I hear about that exposes our data to hackers.
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    • 24 Feb 2021 17:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
      Thank you for your question. We understand and agree with concerns members may have. We have chosen Wild Apricot as our membership logistics provider for a number of reasons, security being one of the strongest. Their security, longevity and affiliations with known secure platforms, such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, VeriTest and the Better Business Bureau provide us reassurance.

      They work directly with over 12000 associations and non-profits such as ours for the last 2 decades, which is a good sign of their stability and security.

      A full summary of their security procedures can be found here.
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