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  • 14 Jan 2022 12:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Having just completed our successful AGM, there is some exciting changes to announce! The following is from outgoing President, Marlene

    I'd like to thank all those who were able to attend our AGM. It was long but productive. All proposed bylaw amendments were accepted. Please find attached the AGM Minutes and the Directors' Reports.  Matt will be sending a link to view the meeting for anyone who missed it. 

    Introducing your new board:

    President: Matt P

    VP: Marlene K

    Secretary: Brenda P

    Treasurer: Guler A

    Directors at Large:

    Garcy C

    Fatima S

    Eddie K

    Arthur S

    Bob S

    Thanks to the outgoing board, and congratulations to the new board for 2022!

    There are still 2 Director-at-Large positions available if anyone is interested.

    Please stay tuned for more announcements and meetings in the next couple of weeks!

  • 2 Jan 2022 12:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Please take a few minutes to login to your account in the top right corner. We have updated the profile information that you can fill in. It also allows you the section to provide an 'elevator pitch' for potential clients. For now, all information is only going to be available to members, but as you can now change the privacy settings for all of your information in your profile, we may enable a public viewing function of the directory for potential clients to contact you directly. It is very similar to the idea our sister organization, the Tourist Guide Association of Toronto (formerly CTGA of Toronto) is doing here.

    All information is yours, and our Privacy Policy covers that here. As mentioned though, for now all information is only available to members.

  • 31 Jul 2021 12:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thank you for your patience. We have slowly been working on gathering information to populate the website.

    Please feel free to check out the updated Contact UsBoard History and History pages.

    If you see something that needs to be edited, please contact

  • 5 May 2021 11:25 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The beginning of the next phase has begun with the website. Please login to your profile to enable the viewing of our MEMBERS only area and our DIRECTORY.

    It is still in progress, but feel free to contribute to the discussion with suggestions for the website.

    We know the directory has been missed. It is back. Please be sure to login and check which information you wish to share (or not).

    Please note, to ensure members security and privacy, certain areas of the website are privileged access only for members. You must login to view this.

    By default, information put in is members only. You may list no information if you wish but you must login to access your profile and delete.

  • 23 Feb 2021 10:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello Everyone

    You may be looking at a different email address for these messages.

    Rest assured this is from the Association. If you could please add this email to your safe list, that would be great. We wish to avoid you missing messages from us and having them go to your SPAM or JUNK folder would be unfortunate.

    We are working to have our organization email be the return sender, but the is taking a bit of time

    Thank you!

  • 22 Feb 2021 10:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    If you have navigated to our website recently, you may be noticing some changes. 

    The website has had its (soft) launch just recently. As such, not all the functionality you were used to from our previous website is currently available.

    As we continue with the work, these functions should be restored. They may not be exactly as they once were, so please be patient as we work through the new system.

    We will have a Members Only section again. That is currently not available but we are working on it. Please stay tuned and check back here for updates.

    If you notice some issues with the website, or have some ideas for the new website as we rebuild, please contact us HERE 

    Here is a small list of known issues:

    • Formatting of certain texts isn't the same
    • Some pages are loading oddly on certain browsers

    Here is a small list of upcoming functions:

    • Members Only Section
    • Internal Members Directory
    • Members are able to update all their own information, and control what is available to be shared to other members or the general public.

  • 20 Feb 2021 17:27 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello Tourism World

    We are pleased to update you on some exciting happenings within the CTGA of BC, the (soft) launch of our new website!

    We had a little interruption the past few weeks as our previous website was retired and we have been working on this current iteration.

    Please be patient as the page is a work in progress. Some of the previous functions may not be back yet, there will be some exciting new additions including a more interactive experience for our members.

    We are excited to see where this new path will take us!

    We are happy to accept any and all ideas for the new rebuild of the new website as well! If you have any suggestions or comments, please click HERE to submit them!

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